Saturday 24 November 2012

Spirit Walker

I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don't do what you want. Galatians 5:16,17

I moved to Tamworth on 12 May in obedience to The Lord. The intervening months have not been easy, in fact very trying. I have been pressed down, but not crushed. I have learned a valuable lesson: refuse to confess my circumstances and speak forth what I believed should happen. It works!

Our flesh is a whinging, whining spoilt baby who wants its own way but we have a Father who wants us to grow into mature sons and daughter and work in His vineyard.

Although all seems to be falling apart in one way new and exciting thins are being birthed in another.

On Friday I received word that AMP, my employer, had approved my request for a grant to connect children with old people through story telling. I have a huge vision and this is the beginning. I want to exhort old people to go back to the standards of the bible and impart them to the young. I want to break down the barriers that we have erected in our modern world and restore relationship.

I also received word that I have been short-listed to receive an award for a God inspired idea I have for the industry I work in, ie financial services.

Today I moved house and had the best moving experience ever. My lovely church family helped me, what a blessing they were. I am blessed!

I am moving into new things in God and I will continue to say: 'I am blessed and highly favored of The Lord.' I am blessed to be a blessing! Souls need harvesting!

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