Friday 28 July 2017

He is Mine, I am His

But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name,
John 1:12 HCSB

Today, I am grateful I belong to Him. Yesterday was a bad day but today I am still His. Nothing can take that away. Nothing I do can change that.

Last night I began to back my car from the garage and remembered I forgot something. Failing to realise the car was already in reverse I started to get out of the car. A driverless automatic is a beast. It kept going and took out the side of the garage wall and the roller door fell on the car. You might say it was and is a mess. I am grateful I am insured. I have damaged not only my car but someone else's property.

The landlord may not be impressed with me but God knows it was not malicious, just foolish. I will pay the cost. However, I am still a child of God. He will not reject me. I may not happy with me but He is bigger than my mistakes and my sins and repentance deals with sin. His forgiveness is real and ever present. He is so good! Amen!

I will sing His praises forever and ever. I belong to Him and His grace is ever present for me. Thank You Lord!

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