Sunday 30 July 2017

His Time

The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 HCSB

I think we can sum up one major difference between God and ourselves- patience. We move too quickly; move on too quickly; wipe people off too quickly and forgive way too slowly.

God's timing is perfect and the source of most of our frustration. We cannot dictate to God, according to our emotions. He must be GOD!

When I am frustrated with God's timing I am showing my carnal nature and fail. God alone knows what He wants to achieve in me and how He would like to present me to others.

Today I stayed home from morning church planning to go to evening church. I have had a big week, culminating in cooking for 133 people last night at astronomy. Whilst there I got talking to people and saw needs. A man has lost his daughter, almost, to motor neurons disease. I asked her name and said I would pray. I woke at 3am and she was on my heart.

This morning I resisted the urge to go to church because my friends would be there. I went for a walk and found a neighbour in distress. She is losing an old friend to cancer. I prayed for her and her friend. I knew I must be the hands and feet of my Lord. I will see my friends tonight but more importantly I will go praying for more than me.

Church must be more than a social outing, and it is. However, my life is about more than my pleasure or comfort, but others. Amen!

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