Thursday 13 July 2017


All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord evaluates the motives.
Proverbs 21:2 HCSB

Motives are everything. Why do I love you? Is it to gain from you? Why do I walk with you? What do I want from you? Is it honour and integrity that drives my motives or something sinister?

Relationships break down constantly. What seemed so good is fraught with greed or usury. When you feel used by others do you give your heart? The Lord has to handle this from all His subjects. He is motivated by love: He gives from love; He gave His best from love.

On the weekend He stirred me to give money to someone who I knew would need it for food. Yesterday I saw them on Facebook wasting what was given. I was cross but knew I had been prompted by God. He then showed me His heart and how He gives His best to see it wasted on self.

What I saw made me wiser. What I saw made me think and measure my own heart. What was my motive? To obey my God. That, to me, is the most important thing. He knows more than what I see or the foolishness of others.

I have been having issues with my teeth. I have a tooth at the front which had fallen apart and the dentist did a repair on, only for it to continue to fall apart, most frustrating. After I had given I received a call from the dentist asking me to come in for another repair. I came away not out of pocket, which is more usual. I was practising with my God and He did not disappoint.

I had given faithfully and it was between my God and I. The recipient was incidental. God was teaching me, His daughter, a lesson in His ways. Stay faithful and obey, no matter what. Amen!

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