Wednesday 12 July 2017

Test the Spirits

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1 HCSB

In our day there are many false prophets leading to false Christs, especially in the realm of loving and tolerating homosexuality. Whilst we must love all men no matter what, we do not have to tolerate their willful display of sin in the church. We are now seeing the agenda of the homosexuality movement and it is not good. All sexual sin is not good: paedophilia, adultery, pornography, fornication, sodomy, bestiality, transgenderism and masturbation all belong to the house of sexual sin. When the church tolerates one the rest follow demanding acceptance. We are fooled by the demand to be loved.

Paul dealt well with sexual sin in 1 Corinthians. He said, throw them out until they repent. There was no call for tolerance of sexual sin. We must love the lost from Christ but not partake of their sin. Inside the church we must walk as He walked.

Statistics say that up to 50% of pastors watch pornography. This should not be so. How can they lead God's flock and see the power of the Holy Spirit if this is the case? This is a point of prayer for me.

In Australia we see the northern countries further ahead in most practices and we can benefit by seeing the results. We can also be warned and know how to avoid the traps being set by the enemy. If we are godly and wise. If not and if we lust for power and are greedy for gain we will fall. I pray we see, learn and change. Amen!

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