Tuesday 25 July 2017

My Heart is Seen

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.
Psalms 139:23‭-‬24 HCSB

David was a man before his time. David lived with knowledge and hunger for God's presence. As Christians we have this Holy Spirit who indwells us. This Holy Spirit does indeed examine our thoughts and convicts us when we are wrong.

We are deceived, at times willingly, by the flattery of others and even seduced by Satan's lies. He is either condemning or leading us into deception through seduction.

Yesterday I read a letter from a father of a young girl who had been constantly hunted by paedophiles. These paedophiles used Snapchat as it did not leave a footprint on the users phone. The paedophiles are masters in seduction. Young girls fall for their lies and are drawn away into sexual exploitation. Without the seduction they would be safer.

Seduction is a tool of the enemy to draw us into destruction. We must be careful to keep our eyes on the Lord and all things good, clean and lovely. No times for apps that open the door to hell.

Our God knows us. He Sees our receptivity to lies and darkness and wants us free. The way to stay free is to walk in The light. Stay connected to good people, stay in the word and fellowship. Talk about your stuff to trustworthy people who can help you. Amen!

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