Saturday 15 July 2017

My Strong Tower

The name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.
Proverbs 18:10 HCSB

Yesterday I had plans to have a woman over for dinner, whom I discovered is a relative. Leading up to this dinner I received news that my mother had been taken to hospital again. As I had only just been talking to mum that morning and just after receiving a surprise gift from her, it hit hard. My mother has been my best supporter and most faithful friend, apart from the Lord, that is.

I had just cleaned the floors and showered and my dog Emma decided to vomit on my mat. When both mum and my dog get sick I know the enemy does not want me at Peace to receive a lost woman into my home. I praised my God for this woman and prayed she would be open to Christ.

My God is my strong tower. He is my reward. The dinner went well and we poured over family history books together. I could see a bitter spirit in my relative. She had been robbed of an inheritance of land she loved. I shared briefly thing about my life and the fact that I once was a pastor. She was surprised. I now know how to pray for this dear lady. She needs a God encounter to heal her wounds.

My.mother had sent me a card and she had quoted a part of Psalm 23: He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul. Mum will be clinging to that verse in hospital. I am annoyed thst the enemy picked on mum. She does not weather these attacks wothout cost and now I am praying a complete healing and protection. My prayers over her will be protective from now on. I now want many souls for the kingdom. I want to take possession of souls. If Satan thinks he is a winner he is wrong. Amen.

My God is my strong tower. He is whom I run to. He is the one with answers and provision. Amen!

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