Wednesday 19 July 2017

Oh! The Joy!

How joyful are those whose lawless acts are forgiven and whose sins are covered!
Romans 4:7 HCSB

To fully appreciate forgiveness we must know our sin. To not know our sin is disastrous yet when an awareness of sin comes, so does an opportunity to know repentance and ultimately forgiveness.

I grew up knowing about Christ and lived a pretty clean life until I became aware of my sin, then my God was standing there with the gift of repentance and His merciful forgiveness. To know that forgiveness has kept me faithful.

Now I know Him as Saviour and have made Him Lord. He must be Lord of all. I want an eternity with Him. He is everything! Without Him life is meaningless.

The source of joy is forgiveness and knowing eternity with Him is mine. Today I am still processing grief over losing a beloved pet. I thought I was losing my mother but she lives. I have lost a lot but I have not lost my Jesus. He will not leave me. Amen!

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