Tuesday 18 July 2017


Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Galatians 5:24 HCSB

Today I would like to uncover a most insidious desire- comfort. We like our worlds to be comfortable, as in giving and yielding comfort to us. Last night I received word that my dog Emma had been hit by a car and died. I am in Sydney attending to my mother whose life was again threatened. I had come prepared to lose my 85 year old mum. She is dear to me and has been most faithful to me. My dog and my mother have been there constantly for me. However both were getting very old and near the end of their days.

Before I left home I sensed I might not see my dog again but knew I must go. Em had been sick and I thought she was near her end. She was deaf and going blind. She had lived 16 years. When you have had a dog so long it is hard to say goodbye. Em didn't die from sickness, she was hit by a car.

Today I leave Sydney to return home knowing life has changed. There will be no more Em and I must move on. I am facing a break in my comfort and am grieving that break. However, on the other side of loss, my God is waiting with a new experience in Him.

The disciples had to face this. They lost their Lord to a horrible and shameful death, but He was waiting in a new place for them. They lost Him again, post resurrection, permanently, and they received His Holy Spirit. Their lives forever changed after Pentecost. I await my Pentecost. Amen!

I have not lost loving family, small children to horrible deaths. I have been loved and am still loved, just uncomfortable.A new experience awaits me. Amen!

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