Thursday 20 July 2017

Sounding Gongs

If I speak human or angelic languages but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
1 Corinthians 13:1 HCSB

In Chapter 12 Paul is speaking about gifts of the Spirit. He ends it with: 'But desire the greater gifts. And I will show you an even better way.'

That better way was laid out in the next chapter. All the gifts of the Spirit manifest through me but are useless if done with a malignant attitude and a lack of love. Religious zeal like that seen by those who despise Christians today is just religion. Religious zeal without love kills those who oppose it or are even different to it.

I love singing in the Spirit and praying in tongues, but they benefit me or my hearers little, if not accompanied by love. Love covers, lifts up, forgives, endures all things, believes all things.

We all know what a sounding gong is like. We may tolerate it for a while, especially if it calls us to dinner but if it is just sounding off for no reason it irritates and is sent elsewhere.

Growing up my daughter learned the drums. They stayed in her bedroom down the end of the house. They were loud. Later she moved on to a violin, it was worse. The screech of a violin in the hands of a student is woeful. My dog Chelsie would howl. I remember one time Leanne asked me to go to the church with her to practise. I played the piano and she wanted me to accompany her. As my husband and I were the pastors I took my dogs along but tied them up outside. When Leanne started to play Chelsie howled. Leanne was so angry she told me to move her right away. I did, but she still howled. Leanne packed up her violin in disgust and went home.( she was newly married by this time).

What are we trying to do with our lives, our witness in this world? If we are the world's critic we will always have a snarl on our face and we will emit harshness. However, if we are determined to love, then love will be shown. Amen! Love is the greatest witness.

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