Monday 14 August 2017

All Things!

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 HCSB

Trust is required when the 'all things' are bad things. In our own minds we cannot see how good can come from them-but it can. In the taking of new territory there is always a fight.

I was determined to rest over the weekend but yesterday a stream of anxiety came my way through others. They were being anxious and wanted my peace. I am not the giver of peace but know the One who is. It is He who must be in charge. Amen!

There are times we must protect our peace and say 'No!' To others. He must be God. He must rule! Amen! I knew why I must preserve my peace. God wanted me to pray about the political melee in Australia. He has a solution. I needed to pray it into being.

Last night I heard a good word from the book of Ruth. Although my 'now' may not look much, God has a plan for my good. He works all things out for good. Amen!

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