Wednesday 23 August 2017

Eternal beings

for the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
1 Timothy 4:8 HCSB

Amazingly, last night in Connect Group this was discussed. Beth Moore states we are the first generation governed by the media. We are constantly bombarded with image and advice on how we should eat and exercise. There are two extremes but in the middle is rest in God and what He wants for our lives.

There were those of us who liked and did physical exercise and those who didn't. There were the extremes on both sides but only God is in the middle and He has a plan. I have been down the extreme exercise route and injured myself. We see many professional sportsmen and women injure themselves amd require new joints at younger and younger ages. My physio told me "walking is good!" I now know this to be true and enjoy walking. Initially I struggled and felt robbed bit now am content as I pray best when I walk.

God is more interested in the me inside. He wants the image of His Son in my behaviour. This is where I must focus and yield and yield and yield. This is my extreme dedication. Eternity is forever and ever and ever. Physical exercise benefits me now. In eternity the soul discipline I endure now will benefit me most. As I am an eternal being this is more important. Amen!

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