Thursday 24 August 2017

What is Freedom?

For you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.
Galatians 5:13 HCSB

He who the Son sets free, is free indeed. Freedom from sin is the first part, as we accept Jesus as Saviour but another freedom comes as we allow our Saviour to be Lord over all. How do we do this? Be yielding our attitudes and allowing His Holy Spirit in.

As I yield, He untied the knots. The knots are a result of sin, abuse or upbringing. I had my share of knots because of my father and his knots. However, Jesus set me free. I invited His Holy Spirit in. As His Holy Spirit came in He untied all the knots.

During the times of greatest emotional pain I clung to Him and asked for more, His prize, His rewards. There would be a storm raging about but He would prevail.

As our God is free, and all about Him is free then inviting Him to be Lord, invites freedom to come. I am not chained to anything, unless I choose it. Why choose chains when you can choose life?

In the old Testament God told His people to choose life that they might live. Jesus came that we might have abundant life. Abundant life is only found in the Lordship of Christ, self must fade away. Amen!

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