Saturday 12 August 2017

I Wait For You!

I wait for Yahweh; I wait and put my hope in His word.
Psalms 130:5 HCSB

The image that was associated with this word was rocks partially submerged in peaceful water. It fits! God is our peace! As I wait on Him He restores parts of me that I never knew were damaged and He continually makes me whole. Wholler than whole. I must lay down frustration at the pace and rejoice in the process.

Last night I attended a women's conference and it shows me how I was going. My vision for Tamworth was what was happening but I used to be the one out front, not now but it is finally ok. The woman who took over my role as pastor was in attendance and that was good too. Praise God! He makes all things new. Amen!

I am now content with my new role, well... more content. When I was pastoring I wanted to be out in the community seeking and saving lost people instead of running around after saved folk. Last night one of the women pastors came to me and asked me to care for a new lady. I did! I enjoyed it but I can say I enjoy the trenches more.

We had a great night of worship and fellowship. The word was very good. I enjoy preaching about my favourite subject: 'let Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.' My lovely Lord has the best plans, the best ways about getting those plans done. I can so trust Him! Amen!

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