Monday 21 August 2017

Strong, Courageous and Focused

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 HCSB

In this very first chapter of Joshua, we see God speaking to Joshua about his role in God's plan for the people of Israel. Joshua is receiving instruction and direction. He is not being given a road map but a heart map. If you read the whole chapter you see God tell him to stay on the path, not veering to the right or left, to follow what Moses had commanded him.

Today the message is the same: stay on the path and stay the distance. Many are the entrapments and enticements to veer off the path, but stay on track. Jesus actually called it: abiding in the vine, in John 15. How can I wander if I abide in Him?

Be careful not to be caught up in the fight of various causes, they affect your attitude, stay clean! Over the weekend I noticed this in myself. I have been engaged in responding to articles on same-sex marriage, the dilemma in our Australian parliament, aboriginal rights etc. As a Christian I wanted a Christian stance in the media that was not religious. Yet too much time in the field can affect my attitude, I become a little more intolerant of those not engaged. I find the same when I work too hard. The battle can harden me and so I must draw aside more and stay soft.

King David was a great warrior and king and yet He seemed to have this in his life, mostly. His failures were also very public, as much as he would try to hide them. His affair with Bathsheba was uncovered, his bad parenting turned and bit him, his bad marriage to Saul's daughter saw her deride him publically. He seemed to do relationships with family bad. Yet, God still loved him.

We all must draw aside and spend time with our God. Jesus had to do this, we must. Stay in Him!

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