Wednesday 13 September 2017

All Things Were Created Through Him

All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.
John 1:3 HCSB

In a day when the authenticity of the claims of such scriptures are scoffed at, the ones that truly know Him, know He is in ALL things. He is the force that binds all things together, He is the magic, the beauty of all things. As all things are truly understood His beauty is made manifest. He is above all things, beyond all things.

So things were creates for His good pleasure. He also created them for mankind to enjoy and care for. A Christian should, by nature, be the greatest conservationist. As we are created in the image of the One who sees even when a sparrow falls, He dresses the wild flowers with beauty. We are made in this image. We are not made to destroy.

Today I did a road trip of 600kms. I love road trips as I get to see nature and be out in God's creation. It is a bit dry at present and so I prayed for rain. This is the least I can do.

As we discover our God we discover our responsibility!

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