Wednesday 6 September 2017

Faith Pleases God

Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 HCSB

Faith is a key. It opens doors. However, like most keys we don't always carry them or at times we lose them. I have set routines with keys. Yet things happen that interrupt that routine, that's when I lose things, especially keys.

Faith is a shield. It should be the first option when faced with a challenge, but I find drivel can sometimes be first out of my mouth. I saw it only the night before last. I met a lady, as I was coming out of the grocery store, who I had trained with for an ironman event. She asked me if I was swimming and I replied: " No! I am needing a shoulder repair first." Yes my shoulder needs work but earlier that day I had prayed and asked for healing and here I was talking the opposite.

Faith pleases God! He loves it when I go to Him in faith and seek Him. It is not that He does not love me unless I am using faith, it is just that He loves it especially when I use it as it draws the creator out of Him. I allow Him to be who He is: GOD! Amen!

Step into faith little ones! Amen!

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