Tuesday 26 September 2017

God Determines the Steps

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 HCSB

As I age I know that I do not know what tomorrow may bring. Whilst a part of me plans, I allow it to be flexible as I want God's surprises and I do not want my frustration. At the beginning of this year I had planned to finish certain studies promptly and begin others. I near the end of the year and am still completing the first two units.

I have a vivid imagination and I imagine how things will go, I become excited as I see how things could go, but I allow the God factor. He knows the time and place.

We fail to see the path when we envisage outcomes; God sees the path. The path may wind back on itself for a time and we may feel like we have gone nowhere, but we have. If we survey our surroundings we see differences; different people perhaps. Yes it can be frustrating but very necessary, trust God!

God is always slower, His pace is more thorough!

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