Monday 25 September 2017

God Sees Our Deepest Secrets

All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord evaluates the motives.
Proverbs 16:2 HCSB

It is so important that we are established in good fellowship with people who will challenge us and pray for us. When we isolate ourselves we start to pick up strange doctrine.

Yesterday I was with a group who gather to pray for Nepal. The conversation afterwards came around to the current 'hot topic' in Australia. Should homosexuals be allowed to marry? On the surface many do say: "Sure! Why not!" However, as Christians, we must follow the word of God about sexual relationships. It is His opinion that matters. One women who I respect said: " Nowhere in the bible does it say people should marry." I was gobsmacked! I countered her opinion but knew that the church she attended had influenced her. She attends the Uniting Church in Australia

Tonight I had another friend, another woman, post a religious dissertation put out by a woman who represents Trinity College in America and who also represents the Uniting Church. My friend was agreeing with this woman's opinions, which smacked of corruption and a lack of knowing our God.

I had another friend from Queensland tell me that many in her church were voting 'Yes!' How has the church in Australia come to a point where personal, emotive, influences rule our life?

If I say."Yes!" To this vote I am opening the door to a yes vote for all manner of uncleanness. Is that what I want for my children and grandchildren? Do I want to stand before my God and admit I am corrupt because I chose to be God and took His place? How will that hide me in eternity?

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