Saturday 30 September 2017

Let Others Be Important

Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3‭-‬4 HCSB

I struggle with humility, I like to challenge and kid people at the same time. In hindsight I may come on a little strong.

In my astronomy club I feed people. However, I am very much aware that the men, generally, like what is not necessarily good for them: fatty, sugary foods. I will challenge the men because I am concerned for them. One in particular is very overweight and as an ex-nurse I can see a horrible end and I don't want to be responsible for that. Today he realised that I had been a nurse and understood my concern. I dont want this man to die on my watch.

I travelled over to the mountain where we were meeting at a special site where a multitude of awesome telescope were to be seen. The man who drove me has an artificial arm and cochlear implants. I had to restrain myself from being too helpful, He needs his dignity.

What an awesome group of men I have in my astronomy club. I am so grateful! I am happy to let them shine.

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