Sunday 10 September 2017


Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 HCSB

"That's not how it is done around here!" "Biggot!" "Homophobic!" Are some of the comments you will hear as you stay true to Christ. There are those who say they know Christ but have a compromised stand. They will sing from different hymn sheet. But what of me? I will confess Christ and Him crucified. Did He compromise the truth or stand for the truth?

Our modern days are affected by a humanist gospel. The feel good gospel does not want to offend. In Australia we are about to vote on same-sex marriage. I am certain there is an element of Christianity that will struggle with the decision. For some, who do not study the scriptures diligently, they will rely on a heart decision. Unfortunately our hearts are corrupted by a social gospel. We must be guided by the word of God. If we are not taught it, then we will rely on the social gospel's influence.

Yet Paul spoke out about sexual sin. In the book of Romans he plainly tells us that acts of homosexuality are a result of bad faith towards God. As a single woman I can be attracted to married men. The attraction alone is not a right to destroy marriage. As with homosexuality, attraction alone means just that, attraction. Choosing to walk away is godly.

As the fabric of our western society crumbles, only God can save us. We had a woman visit from England who encouraged our churches to fight and not lay down and accept same-sex marriage as a forgone conclusion. The church is standing up to fight. The fight is on in the Spirit as well as the media. May God's kingdom come, His will be done! Amen!

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