Monday 4 September 2017

The Script

For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 HCSB

We are actors in a play, written by God. We have a part to play, people to meet and touch. As we read the gospels we see such action in motion.

Jesus was born, at the right time. Yet we could disagree. From the outset the enemy was after the baby, to kill Him. Yet God hid Him and brought Him forth into ministry, at the right time. Again his enemy was out to stop Him. First he tried temptation, surely a young man could be tempted, all others were! But No! Jesus stood the test and told Satan to go! So His enemy sent the haters, they did a good job and eventually crucified Him. His enemy thought he had won, but in his hate he forgot the nature of God towards His plan.

My life is a battle also, to birth the plan, to bring forth His will into this fallen world. I have a part to play, people to touch with God. Will I go? Will I get up our of what is comfortable and go?

If I only ever do what is comfortable, I will not go! If I write into my script a discipline of doing the uncomfortable, I will go. In doing the disciplined uncomfortable we have eyes to see and ears to hear. The lost are waiting behind unknown faces and places. They are waiting for the presence of God in their lives. The life that Jesus brought is wanting to go, to the waiting lost.

I love to look and see: the scruffy grey headed man, the young man diligently cleaning his car, the young couple out washing their car. Inbuilt in all of them is a waiting, a longing for.the kingdom of God. I will start with seeing them, a smile, a 'hello!'

A smile and a hello is all I need to begin, oh! And eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart to do, the uncomfortable. Amen!

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