Monday 11 September 2017

Walk This Way

Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with gratitude.
Colossians 2:6‭-‬7 HCSB

Receiving Christ is the beginning.

I love gardening and know that a seed planted has more chance than a seed left lying on the ground. A seed left lying will be eaten up by the birds. The new experience in Christ has to be planted in good soil, the word of God, fellowship and a determination to walk as a Christian, 'rooted and grounded.'

When I came to Christ I saw a need to repent from my ways, my sins. This opened the door to a revelation of who Christ was for me. This is how I came to Him and this is how I must live in Him, through repentance and faith.

Repentance opens the door, makes way for revelation. I need an ongoing revelation of God to grow. When I plant seeds in my garden I water them for without water they will not germinate and grow. As new flowers emerge I continue to water and now I weed around the plants as I don't want them choked before they have a chance to live.

If I maintain my flower bed then I can maintain my own heart towards God. I must look after this precious gift given to me, eternal life.

Lastly I must continue to be grateful. I have been given eternal life. Forever I will be with my God. Forever is a long time and knowing I will be with my God and not in a fiery furnace is something worth being grateful for. Amen!

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