Thursday 12 October 2017

My Refuge

If I say, “My foot is slipping,” Your faithful love will support me, Lord . When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy. But the Lord is my refuge; my God is the rock of my protection.
Psalms 94:18‭-‬19‭, ‬22 HCSB

The tension between the hurt, crushed, soul of David and the proclamation that His God will sustain him is so evident in this Psalm. The evil ones had indeed inflicted unjust treatment. David asks the Lord: "why do evil men last so long?"
Why do they indeed. The cup has to be full. However, David asserts that even though the evil men think nothing of the poor and believe they themselves will escape, God is watching and will repay. David calls them 'stupid people!'

I am sure we could likewise rail against our enemies, there are many. Yet, God Himself is showing the greatest form of justice is tearing these people from Satan's hands and bringing them to Christ. A repentant sinner is a higher victory than killing the enemy in his sin.

Meanwhile, giving our grief and pain to God and allowing Him to be our strength and song is best for us. JESUS Himself was despised by His own family, His own nation, the very ones He came to save crucified Him. He endured the cross and the shame for the joy of what was to come: an open heaven, Jesus promised He and His Father would come and fellowship with us, that we would indeed receive the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Treasure indeed!

So, today if you are wanting to moan remember Him. Have you poured out you blood for the lost yet? Be of good cheer!. Go to Him for solace. Amen!

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