Tuesday 31 October 2017

Rise up Prophets

I declared the past events long ago; they came out of My mouth; I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted, and they occurred.
Isaiah 48:3 HCSB

Sounds like a prophet! Why it is! A prophet is a man or woman made in the image of God and willing to be used by Him for His glory. Isaiah was one such man, a man among many. Most lived in dire circumstances and those in sin did not want to hear their prophesies.

Nowadays God's prophets tend to turn evil on its head by bringing down the power of God into desperate situations. Tonight I read on Facebook of a ring of 7 paedophiles who abused a young girl and the Father stayed in the room to calm her down whilst she was being abused. Everything that is in me is revulsed by this abhorrent behaviour. Fortunately all the men have been caught, and are going to jail, the girl has been set free. Whilst my revulsion of the sin wants to beat the men senseless, as I go to pray I pray that God takes these vile creatures and reveals their sin to them, giving them an encounter with the living God. The greatest destruction I could possibly imagine would be to see these men saved and deeply repentant and the girl gloriously healed and bringong others to Christ.

We Christians must make a stand against evil but also need to go to prayer. We need to turn off our TVs and entertainment and get to prayer and reading our bibles and start to walk in the power of God, Bringing down strongholds by inviting the glorious power of God into our families, our streets, our workplaces and cities. Read your bible instead of your Aps. Be serious with God and see Him move. Amen!

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