Monday 27 November 2017

A Clean Heart

God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalms 51:10 HCSB

Praise God for the indwelling Holy Spirit! Now, the guilt of sin is short. When aware of my sin I can repent immediately and receive forgiveness.

I grew up in a Catholic home where I had to go to confession and tell a priest all my sin and he would give me absolution, along with penance. However, the guilt and shame remained. Now I know I am clean.

The first time I knew such forgiveness was when I asked Christ into my life. He came in with His oceans of forgiveness. Nothing is too hard for Him!

David didn't have the indwelling Holy Spirit and how He would have enjoyed such a gift! I Do! The Holy Spirit enables me to be truelly sorry and His grace washes me clean. I am one breath from a clean heart, constantly! How good is that!

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