Saturday 11 November 2017

Freedom Indeed

Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually.
3 John 1:2 HCSB

Too much focus is place of prospering financially and too little on spiritual prosperity. Mammon lures us to its glitter.
What does a prosperous spirit look like? Have you actually thought about it?

A native African would say prosperity to him is being able to go where he pleases, grow as he desires and be free from bondage. Our spirit and soul long for such freedom.

If we refuse to submit to every evil thought then we set our souls free and in turn our spirit becomes freer to reign with godliness. We are not bound by others in any way then.

If I am not reacting all the time then I am open to free thinking and can easily touch the Spirit and flow with Him. This is the goal, then the sky is the limit. (As an astronomer I would also challenge that! Ha! Ha!).

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