Sunday 19 November 2017

My shield

But You, Lord , are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts up my head.
Psalms 3:3 HCSB

Jesus was from the line of David. As we examine His life, we see: He was rejected by family and His community, He was rejected by the church, the very people He came to minister to tore Him to shreds and nailed Him to a tree. Yet, He put His faith and trust in His Father. He spent time with His Father. His Father was His life and example. He got to know His Father. His Father was His focus so that whatever the Father did, He did.

Jesus was judged worthless and cast aside. Isaiah says: we esteemed Him not. Mankind still reject him but for those who do seek Him, He enters into a love relationship with them and gives them eternal life. What love is that?

Jesus is my shield and song, my strength to lean on. I will praise Him as long as I live! Amen!

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