Friday 1 December 2017

Be Quiet

The Lord will fight for you; you must be quiet.”
Exodus 14:14 HCSB

Growing up in the country we had chickens to lay eggs and occasionally kill to eat. The catch of a chicken was a family affair. Us 6 kids would run with our father in the hunt. The chickens would squark and flap their wings and we would laugh and become excited.

In the adult world we have stuff happen to us, much like it always has, but now we must handle the stuff ourselves. It can be frightening at first. We feel like the hunted chicken and begin to squark.

The above passage is a part of Moses' speech to the children of Israel as they left Egypt and were then chased by pharaoh. Pharoah had been forced to let the Israelites go through a process in which God eventually took his son. Pharoah was who he was for a reason and this was displayed in His pursuit of the now fleeing Israelites.

Moses had been the man who stood up to Pharaoh. Now they were all out before the Red Sea and vulnerable, with nowhere to go. It appeared Pharaoh had them where he wanted them.

This is where Moses says: " Be quiet!" Fear makes us talk uselessly but faith is quiet and watchful.

Each one of us must stand and face off an enemy. Today might be your day. Be still, be quiet and watch for the Lord.

I arrived home last night after a 12 hour working day to an email that would have unnerved me some time ago. Now, I have a sense God is at work. Amen!

If God be for me, who can be against me? Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Amen!

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