Wednesday 6 December 2017

The Right Focus

All bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.
Ephesians 4:31‭-‬32 HCSB

Wow! Bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander all comes from disagreement, hate and a failure to love. How does it get to that? Rumor, innuendo, gossip, critical thinking. Personally I recognise the enemy of my soul troubling me with critical thoughts about others. He also has a habit of attempting to ambush me with demands left, right and centre. It is as if I am in a squash court with balls coming from several fronts. The attempt is to harass me and unsettle me, causing me to snap.

If we are prepared for battle and when it comes slow it down and know what is going on. Today I had a call from a little Indian man in a call centre trying to convince me he was calling me from Microsoft. He then proceeded to tell me I had a lot of problems on my computer which was causing me to send information to wrong places. He then wanted me to allow him to run something on my computer. Alarm bells went off. I asked for His number saying I would call back but needed to speak to my technician first. He went ballistic. I then knew where he came from. I hung up.

Whilst he was on the phone I had messages coming in all over the place. What was all this trying to destroy? My peace, my focus and most of all missing God's plan.

I know I am on track as many other things are playing up. My dog always gets sick, usually my mum does as well and my finances attempt to go down the drain. But God! He is in charge and something good is happening in the Spirit. He is coming to do something wonderful. I wait with anticipation.

This afternoon a Muslim neighbour has asked to come over to cook gingerbread houses and learn to knit. Well...what do you know?

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