Monday 4 December 2017

You Hold My Right Hand

For I, Yahweh your God, hold your right hand and say to you: Do not fear, I will help you. See, I will make you into a sharp threshing board, new, with many teeth. You will thresh mountains and pulverize them and make hills into chaff. You will winnow them and a wind will carry them away, a gale will scatter them. But you will rejoice in the Lord ; you will boast in the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 41:13‭, ‬15‭-‬16 HCSB

I follow several Israeli publications and receive regular updates on the threats that Israel is constantly having to deal with. And we think Our life is tough if we experience a difficult patch. Oh dear!

In the above passage God promises Israel it will be a threshing board to the nations. Only last week the U.N. passed a resolution against Israel saying that Jerusalem did not belong to them. How dare they! How can a bunch of self-interested nations tell Israel what does and does not belong to their history. Lord protect your people as use them as the threshing board as promised!

Each of us have our own unique walk. Each of us has challenges to face. We need our God to hold our hands and be our stronghold. He is well able! Amen!

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