Sunday 7 January 2018


I assure you: Whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 HCSB

Do we really understand authority? As a child of God I am God's delegated authority on earth in my little part of the team. If Jesus said: "all authority has been given to me and now I give it to you..." all is All.

When we watch people of authority we see the parameters of that authority. I have mentioned before the series 'The Crown.' In this series we watch a young sovereign learn the parameters of her role. Many times she thought she could sanction something only to find that her role as head of the church precluded it, the laws made many centuries earlier govern her or the government overruled her.

We are not dissimilar. All authority has been given to me but I have parameters. Another point is: if I have such authority then I should be careful not to lose it or give it away and I should use it wisely.

Queen Elizabeth had an education that differed to her peers. She had to learn the ways of royalty. I am no different. I must learn the ways of royalty and treat the authority given me with respect.

When I respect the God given authority and the One who gave it I respect His creatures. I become a lover of all He made and endeavour to care for it, this includes me as well. I cannot allow lust to rule me. No desire must rule above my desire for God and His ways. Amen!

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