Thursday 18 January 2018


Since we live by the Spirit, we must also follow the Spirit. We must not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Envy is a nasty spirit. Why do we fall prey to it? We perceive our world to be lacking and that we are missing out. This is especially true when we lose something we had of value and see others with it. This could be a spouse, a home or a way of life.

Yet, if we stop long enough and ponder what God is doing now we will discover a new treasure we had not considered before. For He is good and has a good plan for our lives and we can trust Him. Amen!

Today I struggled to study as I am behind with my Uni as I did not have my text books until 2 days ago. I am desperate to learn how to read all the numbers and symbols in the references and in the midst of this my phone keeps ringing. To top it off I had to travel 3 hours to an appointment. I have downloaded the bible onto my phone and listened to it all the way.

I had the best appointment and came away blessed. I love my clients and what I do! I went to my motel and had a lovely dinner. Tomorrow I travel to see more clients out in woop woop! That is Australian for the back of nowhere. They are farming people who also work in a mine. What fun I am having!

I used to be a pastor and love the word of God and love to preach yet I am now a financial planner, helping people to help themselves. Ah! Bliss!

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