Saturday 13 January 2018

Handling Money

The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit, but anyone who is reckless certainly becomes poor.
Proverbs 21:5 HCSB

Learning to be diligent and not reckless is harder for some and not for others. I am a giver but notice that when I have something I am innundated with calls and emails asking for money. I have had to learn to discern where is best to give and where God wants me to give.

Every time I sign a petition I get a thank you and a request for money. Signing a petition is one thing but giving to every cause is not good for me or them.

I read a very good book recently called Asset based community development and also another called: When giving hurts. Last time I visited Nepal and I went out into the poorer areas they all looked to me to give them something and I felt restrained to encourage them to use the assets God had given them.

The saying: what do you have in your hand is actually from scripture. Exodus 4:2.
Moses had to go before Pharaoh and he was anxious. God used Moses' staff in a miracle. God uses and annoints the gifts he gives people. I knew I did not have the money to help everybody but I also knew I would not interfere in what God was doing through them.

It is important we care for God's kingdom and His people the way He wants us to. We are His servants after all. Amen!

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