Sunday 14 January 2018


Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2 HCSB

Carry rocks all day is heavy. Yet a burden shared is a burden halved. Putting ourselves out for a brother or sister requires us to be ready to do weights.

How can I help carry burdens? Kindness, compassion, patience and time to listen, perhaps. If I am so consumed with me and mine then I will not give time. My personality tends to be tough on repeat offenders, that is those who keep going around the same problem, again and again and again and again. Aaaaah! Now it is time to dig deep and find grace and mercy. Ah!

We can say: " but I have too many problems of my own!!!!" Giving outward tends to help us with reality, God's reality!
Jesus said: " give and you shall receive, pressed down and running over!" So, that sounds inviting. It is investing in my future when I will need to make a withdrawal. Sound thinking, yes?

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