Tuesday 13 February 2018

All Things Work Together For Good

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 HCSB

If I was a Christian caught in Syria at present, watching my world bombed apart, perhaps I would struggle to believe this.

My current journey has gone on for 14 years amd has not been easy. Lonliness still dogs me at times and I still wonder at my God wanting me to walk as a single woman. Yet He has strengthened me and made a warrior out of me. I know I can be trusted in a fight.

On Sunday I was talking to a lady who had been given a new job, that of a cook in a nursing home. She was struggling to believe God would want her there, she had a routine that could not vary and a lot of cranky, fussy patients who told her so. We talked and I shared a little of my walk with her. She realised she was making the problem bigger than it was. I explained it was all emotional, and it was. It is our emotional reaction to a set of circumstances that has us behave or react like we do.

Last night I finished my last Uni lecture. On Saturday I posted up work I had done on my assignment. I am in a team of three and we are each working together. I am grateful that the plans I have my God is establishing for me. He is good to me. I have said: " now I will work on this, then that" and it is just as I say. I am speaking well over my studies and confessing I will pass. I will pass the most difficult thing I have ever done and be so much bigger for it.

It is important we trust God's word and speak it over our lives. As we do this we walk in victory and not fear. Fear makes us falter and if we stay in the mud we become lost. We cannot falter.

God is, indeed, working all things out for good. Amen!

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