Tuesday 13 February 2018

He Heard Me

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 HCSB

Well...what a day! What started out no different from yesterday turned on its head. I had a message from my son to say his wife was in hospital and he asked if he flew me up to Brisbane (an 8 hour drive away) would I come and help out. After a little thought I said yes and was on a plane within the hour.

As usual I was thrown in the deep end. I was collected only to be put in the driver seat and told " now go and collect the children from school and take them home, I'm going to work!" I had to shake out cobwebs straight away. I successfully collected the kids and went home. We had a good afternoon, after a rough beginning. My Autistic grandson was not having his older brother boss him around. The older brother very much wants things done the right way (his way of course).

The funniest part was watching my 5 year old grandson do business with his older brother. He wanted to sell his Leggo for $10 dollars. He reminded me of a little Asian businessman, very insistent and a good little businessman at that. I laughed and laughed. His brother thought he was funny also.

I got to colour in with my granddaughter and read them stories. Such fun! I cooked sausages and veg and even managed gluten free gravy (One is intolerant). I had high praise as all the food disappeared, into stomaches. Even the dog liked me.

Praise God! He hears our prayers! Amen!

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