Friday 23 February 2018


But godliness with contentment is a great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these.
1 Timothy 6:6‭-‬8 HCSB

Contentment, what is that? Why I live for tomorrow; I live is yesteryear, never in today! Well that is not quite true. Yes I plan for tomorrow but I am happy with the days progress. I have finished another day of study and am content- I have given it my best. This time tomorrow I will be enjoying the satisfaction of a finished exam and have enjoyed mowing the grass and cleaning the house. Yes! I actually enjoy housework. I can switch off and be creative.

Went to prayer again this morning and had a vision. Was not for me but for the pastor but hey! I will benefit. He is a good man.

I posted my grandsons birthday card today. In it is his invitation to travel with me to Tasmania. He will go off like firecracker. I am blessed as he now plays Words with Friends with me and chats along in the chat box. I am enjoying our interaction.

I also walked with my nephews down to the bus. It was such fun to watch them hustle along. The youngest is 5 and still very cute and innocent.

So, all in all I have had a good day, I also squeezed in a nap. Wow! It is amazing how enjoyable life is when you are content and trust the Lord. Amen!

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