Saturday 24 February 2018


For you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.
Galatians 5:13

Our Jesus paid a huge price to see us free. We need to honour Him by walking in the freedom He bought. On the previous part of this chapter Paul is dealing with the fact that the men are falling prey to the teaching around circumcision. Obviously those Jews belonging to the circumcision party have been in their midst.

The Jews held sacred the practice of circumcision. It was held deep in their culture. They honoured the practise because this brought them close to their God. Yet now, this breakaway group called Christians were saying this venerable practice was obsolete. What sacrilege!

Now, modern day church, what practices are you wanting to retain as God moves in your midst? I was raised in Catholicism. There are a lot of rituals there. It took time for me to see they were empty. Are you willing to give up your precious ways?

Of all we are to do is preach Christ and Him crucified and if the power is in that what does all our practises mean?

I see the mass crusades with Daniel Kolenda and know I want that, not a safe little building. I want God's spirit outpouring on all flesh. I want to see people hungry for God. Amen!

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