Tuesday 27 February 2018

Laying Down My Life

This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers.
1 John 3:16 HCSB

What does laying down my life look like? Well.... is my brother in anguish of soul? What can I do that will be more than a quick fix? You mean commitment to friendship, perseverance, endurance? Yes! Something like that!

People who have been through or who are going through divorce or separation, losing home and kids, suffer in ways that takes time, sometimes a lot of time, to heal. Grief is not an instant fix!

Why can't folks step out in faith and trust God to fix it all? Pain! Lots of pain! Moving on does not fix things, it veneers things. Behind the veneer is a crumbling, rotten wall that needs a major overhaul. If I have a leaking shower and continue to ignore it, eventually the walls and floors rot away and if it is a second storey it can collapse through the roof of the ground floor. Insisting folks veneer their pain is asking for a major problem later. Help them sort things out now, by patience and love and companionship. Amen! Be kind!

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