Sunday 25 February 2018


Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20

Do you have friends who you invite over but they don't invite back? I have. Today, to one such friend, I invited myself over after church tomorrow for lunch. This friends had said they would invite me over but never did. Rather they chose to go home each week, lunch by themself and then sleep.

We can become selfish in our ways. Our God is also one who is made to wait. The above scripture comes after a rebuke to a church called Laodecia. Jesus tells this church: "you think you are rich, but you are poor. " This church had focussed on worldly wealth and judged itself successful because of what they saw. Yet Jesus saw differently. He goes on to tell them they are neither hot or cold but rather lukewarm and that it made Him want to spew them from His mouth. Yuk! Not a pleasant appraisal!

How.we see ourselves is often wrong. We are either too hard or too soft. Jesus sees correctly. That is why we need Him. He has good sight. Amen!

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