Thursday, 8 February 2018

Missing REST?

Therefore, while the promise to enter His rest remains, let us fear that none of you should miss it.
Hebrews 4:1 HCSB

We can read the above, hear messages about rest but not have it. Why? Perhaps we don't think it is possible. Perhaps we are busy, real busy and can't see how. Well, I think Jesus was busy, real busy but He found time, probably because He made the time.

I am being challenged by this lately. I am busy, real busy with study and work and am tired, real tired. I am reminded of the time the apostles had been out ministering and returned and Jesus planned some R & R for them. They actually escaped and went off in a boat, but the crowd ran after them and were there waiting on the other side. Jesus didn't say: "Sorry folks we are tired!" He actually turned to the disciples and expected them to get involved with ministering to the crowd.

So, now the disciples were tired and hungry but having to feed the multitude, again. We could imagine they were not happy campers but Jesus ignored attitudes and pressed them to serve, and they did. Mind you not without a little attitude.

Today I spent more time with the Lord in worship and just enjoying His presence. I realised it is ok to be tired. Enjoy the tired and work through it. So I did!

I am at the end of the day and not so tired and having finished a task that daunted me. Calculations are not much fun! Especially when they don't make sense.

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