Thursday 29 March 2018

Eternal Wages

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 HCSB

Wages is something we earn. We are unable to earn eternal life by our own works because we were born into and enslaved by sin. I know how hard I tried to be righteous before I yielded and asked the Lord into my life. I had been taught I must earn a relationship with God, what a burden that was. But then He came! He reached out to me and showed me He had paid the price. Freedom was mine. Now all I have to do is live in Him, in the relationship He purchased for me.

Eternal life began that day. Whilst I still walk this earth it seems remote but when my eyes close for the last time, its reality is mine, forever.

We were made to live in fellowship with our God. Stepping from earth into eternity is just that, a step, a blink of the eye, a moment in time. It won't be long, by heaven's standards, earth will see me shrink like a prune, but my spirit grows daily, ready for an eternity with the lover of my soul.

All this was made possible by my Jesus. His sacrifice brought me home! Amen!

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