Wednesday 28 March 2018

We have Gone Astray

We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the Lord has punished Him for the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:6 HCSB

It somehow does not seem right that Jesus had to be punished because we went our own way. Yet He was. Do we consider the ramifications of our own self will?

I remember, years ago watching a movie about Australian prisoners of war in a Japanese POW camp. The commamder was a ruthless man. One day it appeared that a spade went missing and so the commander wanted the person responsible to own up. No one did and so he picked on one of the men. Another man in the group knew this man had family he wanted to get home to and he himself had none. So he volunteered to take this man's place. If I remember correctly the volunteer was a Christian and it must have been around Easter time. The commander crucified this man, literally.

I believe the spade was later found. The fact that an innocent man volunteered to be killed shows us a little of what Christ did. He gave His innocent life as a ransom for many who did not know or appreciate Him.

Jesus loved us so much that He willingly took our place. Remember that this Easter. Amen!

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