Saturday 10 March 2018

God's Grace and Mercy!

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.
Romans 12:1 HCSB

God's mercy enables me to present my body as a living sacrifice to God. Without His grace and mercy, I am undone, I do not will to please Him but rather please myself.

We cannot underrated God's grace and mercy. It is the source. It comes from His love, which is infatiguable, it never wears out.

As I yield to His grace and mercy I bring my body as a living sacrifice and in doing this I bring worship to my God. HE IS SO good!

Today my mum, grandson and I made a safe crossing on the Spirit of Tasmania from Melbourne to Tasmania. My grandson was fully of beans wanting to expend energy. He found the play centre and it happened to be on level 10. I was concerned about his safety and was checking on Him because I knew the evil age we live in. I prayed God's protection on him and had to trust the Lord.

At the end of the day I sensed I needed to find him and bring him to where I was in readiness for our departure and I found him surrounded by evil looking men. We had the talk about paedophiles. He now knows that I am aware and concerned. The men looked like little boys caught smoking behind the school sheds. What did they have planned? What did my God protect him from?

Leading up to today I had a difficult trip with my GPS not working properly but this morning it worked fine. Praise God!

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