Friday 16 March 2018

My Counsellor

“If you love Me, you will keep My commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him. But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you.
John 14:15‭-‬18 HCSB

We who know Him Have been given the Holy Spirit as a divine counsellor. He whispers truth to me, guides me and instructs me on the way I should go.

Whilst my grandson and I were camping a few nights ago, at a place called Strahn, in Tasmania's West coast area, we had arrived late and erected our tent, then found somewhere to have dinner. During the night my grandson sat bolt upright and said: " I think I am going to be sick!" Nice! I scrambled to unzip the tent telling him: "Not in here!" (As if a sick person can wait- but He did). Whilst he went to the toilet I searched for antiemetics and found none, I prayed instead. He returned feeling better and we went back to our tent. We went back to sleep only to be awoken by rain. I had not slept in my tent in the rain and prayed we would not be drenched. I tried to find my car keys and they were not to be found.

I went to the Lord as my mind was imagining all sorts of scenarios of 'what ifs'. I asked the Holy Spirit if I had locked my keys in the car and clear as a bell He said: " they are not in the car." I then asked where they were and He did not reply. This time I had to trust. I said to my grandson let's pray. We did. Then I said: " keep away from the walls of the tent and we will wait for dawn." When dawn came we started to unzip the fly and there were the keys caught between the fly screen and the outer wall. Praise God!

I had to stand on my emotions and imagination. I prayed and thanked the Lord instead. He is good! I am so grateful. Thank You Lord.

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