Monday 26 March 2018

To Serve

just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life — a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:28 HCSB

Jesus had two disciples wanting first place in heaven: brothers James and John. They had just asked Him if they could sit on either side of Him on His throne. As the divine King who came to earth to make an ultimate sacrifice, Jesus knew how carnal their request was. James and John were operating without understand of sacrifice and service. I am grateful that Jesus corrects them gently.

I think I operate without knowledge at times and my Jesus is lovingly bringing my thoughts to that of laying down my life for others.

Everyone wants their heros to be sacrificial and selfless, yet only one is really good. Jesus did not come to serve Himself. He came to seek and save that which is lost and to not please Himself.

One of the latest in heros is the Green Arrow. I watched a few episodes over the weekend. He started out mysterious and selfless but soon degenerated to human need and weakness. Our saviour, Jesus, stays consistent. He was alone in His cause, yet He took a team and trained them and taught them about selflessness. As James and John did not get the message until much later, so do we. Just as Jesus came to seek and save the lost, this is our mandate amd we, unlike the Green arrow, do not need to kill people but bring eternal life to the lost.

Easter reminds us of the sacrifice and what life here on earth is really all about- others. Amen!

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