Wednesday 25 April 2018

His Ways

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 HCSB

The above verse is Moses speaking to Joshua. Joshua is confirmed as the new leader and now Moses encourages him to trust the Lord.

We must allow the Lord to go before us. He is a good leader. The best in fact! He knows the best paths. We think we do but He actually does. I find myself learning on these new paths, being set free and enjoying the way.

Lately things have been tough but I knew I had a street activity organised for today. I cannot afford to allow how I feel when going through something to make me cancel outreach to my community. I want my street to feel like they belong and can talk to one another. My Indian neighbours struggle and the white folk don't make it easy for them. Today I met two new neighbour's who are Philippino. They came and brought their son. They had fun. They said: " we have been in Australia for 4 years but no-one has done anything like this, until we came to Kaputar Close. "(Our street)

Another lady came and will probably come to church with me. She has relocated here from Sydney. She was wanting a good church. We got on really well.

I am grateful for the Lord's paths. Amen!

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