Thursday 26 April 2018

Plans and Steps

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 HCSB

We think we can plan the steps, but only God knows what must be done in us to successfully bring about the project. He is the master designer.

I know I can see a goal and set about to achieve it only to find it fraught with difficulty. However God brings things in from left field and it is done. It is done His way and in His timing.

This does not mean we should be slack, we still need to be diligent because that keeps us focused and on track. It makes us press into God and seek His way.

Learning to not allow distractions are important. Distractions deflect us from the path. Learning to know God's voice in all things is important. If it is God, it is good, if it is freshly it is wrong. Stay on track! Amen!

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