Thursday 5 April 2018

Remember Them!

Remember the prisoners, as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily.
Hebrews 13:3 HCSB

In a world racing from one like to the next, how do we slow it down and think of those suffering in prison? When being in prison is not covered by the media or when you are just ordinary, how do people hear and care? Good question!

We in the West are suffering from information overload. I myself find my attitude becoming cynical and ho hum! There is so much devastation, so much corruption and abuse, where do we start?

For me I have to start before the Lord. What is important to Him? Who does He want me to pray for? I cannot load myself down with guilt for not thinking about or praying about all needs. He has a request of me and that is what I must respond to, not what social media tells me to respond to or demand I give to.

However, I must make time for Him and give Him room to burden my heart with His agenda. Then I am doing my part. I know if I was in jail I would want someone to care.

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